How To Make Espresso Without A Machine? – Steps To Follow

Millions of people consume coffee daily in every corner of the earth. This delicious energy drink comes in all shapes and sizes. Over the years, humans have played around with coffee to create some of the popular brews we have today. Espresso is a trendy drink, and while the medicine is small in size, it packs plenty of punch as it’s pure coffee. If you are an eager coffee drinker and are tired of leaving home to get espresso, this reading is for you. It is challenging to make a perfect cup of espresso at home, but this article will let you know how to make espresso without a machine.

The History Of Espresso

In the early 20th century, an Italian businessman named Luigi Berezza invented espresso while trying to find a faster way to make brews. After some experiments, he discovered that adding steam pressure to the machine cut the time it took to make the drink and created a much more robust flavor. The discovery made the most of the qualities of the coffee beans, so Bezzera quickly named the machine “Fast Coffee Machine”. After that, the brew was also named after the first machine since the word “espresso” means fast in English. In another sense, espresso is the first instant coffee that is favored until this day.

Related post: How To Clean Breville Espresso Machine

What Is An Espresso Shot?

Espresso is a strong-flavored, concentrated form of coffee served in shots and is the base for many coffee drinks. People use the same beans to make coffee and espresso, but espresso is more robust, thicker, and higher in caffeine. Regardless, you don’t need to worry about the caffeine intake because espresso is typically served in small servings.

Espresso is made by pressuring hot water through finely-ground coffee beans using an espresso machine. The result is a dark brown liquid topped with a brown foam called crema. Crema forms when air bubbles combine with the soluble oils of fine-ground coffee and sits on top of a perfect shot of espresso. The crema layer adds to the rich flavor and lingering aftertaste of espresso.

Can You Make Espresso Without A Machine?

The answer is yes. Usually, people use machines to make espresso because it requires high pressure. However, you can still make great-tasting espresso without a fancy machine. If you don’t have time, you can buy an espresso machine and read how to use it.

5 Ways To Make A Homemade Espresso

Portable Espresso Maker

A portable espresso maker is the best alternative to an espresso machine. You will manually push the water through the coffee grounds into the cup. This device is small and portable, so you can bring it everywhere, from your office to traveling. Of course, the flavor cannot compare to the one made with an expensive machine, and the crema is not as creamy and abundant. However, the taste is still decent.

The Aeropress

This method is highly recommended and is perfect for making a double shot. An Aeropress is a well-known coffee-making tool for its simplicity in use. It’s portable, affordable, and easy to clean, making it a great way to make coffee. With the word “press” in its name, AeroPress is an ideal candidate for approximating the taste of espresso. Although the texture may differ from what you’ll get from a fancy machine, AeroPress “espresso” flavor and texture impressively match the machine espresso.

What you’ll need:

  • An Aeropress
  • High-quality coffee beans
  • Tablespoon or scale
  • Burr coffee grinder

Step 1. Heat the water

Heat one cup of water to around 185 to 205°F, or boil a pot of water and let it sit for 30 seconds. The water might cool down to the right temperature.

Step 2. Set up your Aeropress

Firstly, place a filter in the AeroPress drain cap and rinse it with hot water. If you can, use two or three to slow the water flow when pressing. Next, place the drain cap and filter inside the press compartment. Place the press on your coffee mug or tumbler. Make sure you choose a stable cup because you’ll be putting pressure on it.

Step 3. Fill the Aeropress 

Grind your beans to a fine, table-salt-like consistency until you have two tablespoons. Then, transfer your ground coffee to the Aeropress and tamp them down, ensuring the puck of coffee is nice and tight. After that, pour half a cup of hot water into the Aeropress and give it a quick stir and wait for around 30-40 seconds. 

Step 4. Press down the plunger

Gently press down with the weight of your hand until the plunger is pressed fully to the bottom; you will probably feel strong resistance but keep pushing steadily. Once the plunger is fully depressed, remove the press from your cup. Pour you’re freshly brewed into a cup and enjoy!

The Moka Pot

The Moka pot, also called a Bialetti, is famous in Europe and the US. It might not be an Espresso maker, but it’s a great way to achieve a dark, rich flavored coffee. People also call the Moka pot the utility knife of coffee brewing. This handy-dandy, teeny-tiny kettle will help you produce an espresso-like drink that soothes your soul and puts a little pep in your step. 

What you’ll need:

  • Moka pot
  • High-quality coffee beans
  • Tablespoon or scale

Step 1. Fill water

Pour enough water into the bottom of your Moka pot to reach the fill line. Please do not overfill the reservoir because this can waterlog your coffee and affect the flavor.

Step 2. Grind the coffee

Measure two tablespoons of coffee and grind your beans to a crisp, caster sugar texture.

Step 3. Fill the pot

Add the ground coffee to the basket of the Moka pot, shaking to settle the grounds. Screw the spouted top of the Moka pot tightly and place it on a stove to medium heat.

Step 4. Wait while the coffee brews (5-7 minutes)

The water will boil through the coffee and fill the top of the pot. Wait for a hissing sound like you are listening to a tea kettle whistle. Wait until the coffee begins to bloom, and look for the hazel foam on the surface of the pot. People use hot water because it will create the pressure needed to produce a concentrated coffee and a bit of foam. When the coffee fill to the top, pour it into the upper chamber and enjoy!

Read more:

The French Press

One of the most commonly owned coffee tools is the French press. It will undoubtedly give you a concentrated brew (if prepared correctly). It can’t create a foamy crema layer like the first three espresso-making methods. However, it gets close to authentic espresso flavor for brewed coffee. 

What you’ll need:

  • A French press
  • High-quality coffee beans
  • Tablespoon or scale
  • Kettle 

Step 1. Grind the coffee

Grind at least two tablespoons of espresso beans or dark roast beans in a delicate setting. You’ll need more coffee than you think to add richness to the brew since it won’t come out as foamy as with a Moka pot or AeroPress.

Step 2. Heat the water

Fill the kettle into the kettle and boil the water until a boil, then set aside for around 30 seconds. In the meantime, add the coffee grounds to the French press. 

Step 3. Fill water

First, pour a little hot water into the French press and wait 30 seconds for your coffee to bloom. This step is crucial because it will release the coffee’s oils and aromatics. After that, add the rest of your water over the grounds. Do not stir yet because it will cause the coffee grounds to fall out of suspension and potentially ruin the extraction of tasty coffee flavors and richness.

Step 4. Wait and plunge

Close the lid and allow your coffee to steep for four minutes. If you like your coffee more robust, you can wait around one to two minutes longer. Though do not let it steep for too long because this can lead to over-extraction and a bitter taste. Then, press the plunger on the French press using slow, steady, and even pressure. Plunge halfway, then raise the plunger to the top before plunging all the way down to finish the press. Finally, pour your coffee into your favorite mug and enjoy!


If you are a serious coffee lover, you may already know that only using an espresso machine can achieve the rich and robust flavor of espresso. Nevertheless, there are a surprising number of ways you can craft an espresso-like shot without touching the lever of an espresso machine. This article will give you instructions on how to make espresso without a machine by using a portable device, an Aeropress, a Moka pot, or a french press. 

Related post: Best Espresso Machine Under 300$