How Many Shots Of Espresso Is Too Many – Appropriate Advice

A serving of espresso contains roughly one-third the caffeine of a serving of coffee. However, it is easy for any coffee enthusiast to consume more caffeine per day by drinking espresso. The reason is its smaller serving size, bolder taste, and smoother texture. And now you’re probably wondering how many shots of espresso are too many? The answer is more than six shots, but there is more for you to know about how espresso can affect our bodies.

Continue reading to find out more!

How Many Shots Of Espresso Is Too Many?

More than six shots of espresso per day are excessive. According to Consumer Reports, one shot of espresso (one ounce) contains 63 milligrams of caffeine. According to health experts, up to 400 milligrams of caffeine per day is safe for most adults in good health.

Espresso vs. Coffee: How are They Brewed?

Espresso and coffee are made from coffee beans. In other words, both are varieties of coffee – and some of the world’s most popular caffeinated beverages. They differ, however, in the manner in which they are brewed.

Espresso and coffee have distinct properties since they are brewed differently. It’s no secret that hot water is poured over ground coffee beans to make coffee. Gravity then takes over, forcing the hot water combined with the coffee grounds to drain through the coffee filter and into the coffee pot.

On the other hand, espresso is made by pressing hot water through coffee grinds. Espresso coffee grounds, by the way, are more refined than coffee grounds used to make other varieties of coffee. Also, using regular coffee in an espresso machine is not a piece of good advice because of its different flavors, tastes, and strengths.

The Unique Properties Of Espresso

While both espresso and coffee are forms of coffee, the manner these beverages are made gives them distinct characteristics. Avoid the misconception that espresso is just robust coffee delivered in a smaller cup. Various factors contribute to espresso being more costly than coffee.

Espresso is distinguished from coffee by its flavor, scent, acidity, caffeine concentration, and appearance.


It’s no wonder that espresso has a more distinct scent than coffee since pressured water can extract more coffee deliciousness from the coffee beans. The fact that the coffee grounds used are dark roast also contributes to the strong aroma of espresso – light roast coffee grounds have a more faint aroma.

Espresso may be made with almost any sort of coffee bean. As a result, espresso from one coffee shop may smell different from another.

In addition to having a more concentrated flavor than coffee, espresso has a more prolonged aftertaste. This is why many individuals feel satisfied for a long time after having only one shot of espresso.


It’s no wonder that espresso has a more distinct scent than coffee since pressured water can extract more coffee deliciousness from the coffee beans. The fact that the coffee grounds used are dark roast also contributes to the strong aroma of espresso – light roast coffee grounds have a more faint aroma.

Espresso may be made with almost any sort of coffee bean. As a result, espresso from one coffee shop may smell different from another.


Many people with acid reflux who can’t live without coffee choose espresso. This is because it is less likely to create hyperacidity, one of the most common (and unpleasant) symptoms of acid reflux.

There are two reasons why espresso is not as acidic as coffee:

  • Increase the roasting time. Roasting coffee beans over an extended time causes them to become darker and have a more full-bodied flavor. 
  • Reduce brewing time. Although pressured hot water extracts more coffee tastes and oils from ground coffee beans, it is less effective in removing acidic chemicals. A shot of espresso is not as acidic as coffee because dark roast coffee grounds contain less acid.


Espresso, believe it or not, contains less caffeine than coffee. A shot of espresso has almost half the caffeine in a cup of coffee!

When the serving size is considered, espresso has less caffeine than coffee. Espresso is served in a demitasse cup, much smaller than a cup of coffee.

In a nutshell, espresso does not make you more awake (or worried) than coffee since it has a more robust flavor and, consequently, a more significant caffeine level. Espresso contains less caffeine per serving than coffee.


Espresso is a dark coffee with a bit of creamer in terms of color. At first impression, it appears black since it is very dark brown. You may also see traces of reddish tones in good direct lighting.

Espresso is somewhat thicker than coffee in terms of consistency. This is because less near-boiling water is utilized to brew a large amount of finely ground coffee beans. In contrast, coarsely ground coffee beans require more hot water to brew. The ratio of coffee grinds to water significantly impacts uniformity.


Crema, also known as coffee crema, is the reddish-brown froth that floats on top of the espresso. The crema, which is made up of tiny air bubbles, is thicker and more flavorful than espresso. The crema also adds richness and smoothness to the espresso. It is also responsible for espresso’s lingering aftertaste.

The crema forms when ground coffee beans are exposed to pressurized hot water, allowing carbon dioxide that formed during the roasting process to escape.

Different Espresso Shot Types

Aside from a single one-ounce dosage of espresso with 63 milligrams of caffeine, there are different varieties of espresso shots to sample. Some of them have many doses, while others include additional components.

  • Doppio. A doppio is merely two ounces of espresso. A single serving contains 126 mg of caffeine.
  • Lungo. On the other hand, a lungo is more concentrated than a doppio. This is because the brewing duration is 30 to 50 seconds rather than the standard 25 to 30 seconds.
  • Ristretto. Ristretto is around one ounce in size. But that’s all right because it’s more concentrated than espresso.
  • Noisette café. Café noisette, like macchiato, is a double shot of espresso with an ounce of steamed milk instead of a dash of foamed milk. The hue of this drink is hazelnut, which is called noisette in French.

Health Benefits Of Espresso

Lowered Diabetes Risk

Certain chemicals in espresso have been shown in studies to increase insulin sensitivity. This permits the body’s cells to use sugar far more efficiently, preventing sugar from accumulating in circulation. Furthermore, excessive blood sugar levels may be managed because espresso is given without added sugar.

Lowered Risk Of Certain Types Of Cancer

Because espresso is high in antioxidants that fight free radicals, drinking it on a regular basis may help prevent some forms of cancer. According to research, espresso may reduce the incidence of colon, pancreatic, prostate, liver, and skin cancer.

Lowered Heart Disease Risk

Moderate consumption of espresso may help avoid heart disease. It’s all because espresso contains antioxidants, which prevent cholesterol molecules from converting into compounds that might block arteries.

Improved Concentration And Memory

Everyone knows that the caffeine in espresso may produce a state of alertness. Few people realize that it may also improve one’s ability to concentrate. That’s because espresso, or any other caffeine-containing beverage, increases the action of dopamine, a feel-good hormone that helps you stay focused and motivated.

Optimized Body Weight

Espresso is given without any extra ingredients, especially those high in calories and fat. This is why, as previously stated, a shot of espresso has just two calories. Espresso is ideal for people who want to reduce or maintain their current weight.

Lifted Mood

Because espresso contains enough caffeine to stimulate the action of the feel-good hormone dopamine, it may help alleviate sadness.

People who are caffeine sensitive or prone to anxiety should minimize their espresso intake. Otherwise, they may become restless and experience various odd and unpleasant bodily symptoms. Like other health-promoting foods and beverages, espresso should be used in moderation.

Harmful Effects Of Too Much Espresso

The Dehydration-Drowsiness Loop

Before you drink even a single shot of espresso on top of your usual coffee intake routine, you must understand the dehydration and sleepiness cycle. This can lead to more coffee, an ironic lack of alertness, and a slew of other adverse effects of caffeine usage.

The fact that dehydration induces sleepiness sets off the dehydration-drowsiness cycle. Because some individuals drink coffee to battle tiredness, and coffee can further dehydrate the body, a process of dehydration and drowsiness is produced by caffeine.

Effects Of Having More Caffeine?

When you’re not used to drinking coffee, it might have some unfavorable but minor side effects. However, suppose you start drinking more espresso daily and finally surpass the six-shot barrier. In that case, you will experience the following repercussions.

  • Anxiety – Unrest and anxious energy will disrupt your sleep and perhaps impair your judgment. This is related to increased metabolic activity caused by caffeine overstimulation.
  • Dehydration – You may be too dehydrated to drink fluids. Suppose you don’t drink enough water and continue to consume espresso shots. In that case, your stomach will become resistant to any solids or liquids.
  • Diarrhea – Diarrhea is nearly a foregone conclusion if you’re not used to drinking more espresso. Your chances are higher if you have IBS, poor gut health, or a predisposition to developing diarrhea.
  • Blurred Vision – This occurs when you use espresso to treat sleepiness. Some people’s vision may be clouded even after four doses. To minimize clouded vision, limit yourself to two espresso shots every hour.
  • Pain in the kidneys – If you exceed the 6-shot limit, your kidneys will have to work overtime, and you will experience pain depending on their sensitivity.

Read more:

How Many Bars Of Pressure For Espresso? – Do You Actually Know

Who Should Avoid Espresso?

People With IBS

It is well knowledge that espresso can help with bowel movements. Regular coffee drinkers even mention how they require coffee before using the restroom. While your gut can adapt to regular espresso use, it cannot manage abrupt increases in consumption.

More than one espresso can be troublesome, particularly for persons with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The acidic quality of coffee and its inclination to prompt bowel movement can result in loose stools.

Pregnant Women

Pregnancy demonstrates the human body’s resilience while also making the overall situation vulnerable. A pregnant woman can drink coffee, but if she consumes more than one shot of espresso, she might experience more side effects, such as dehydration and anxiety. A pregnant woman should not drink or consume more than 200 mg of caffeine, approximately one and a half shots of espresso.

Individuals With Sleep Disorders

Insomnia and espresso consumption do not mix. You may not realize that espresso is terrible even if you sleep a lot. Caffeine overdose should not be used to treat hypersomnia, which is the inverse of insomnia. Another sleep disorder is narcolepsy, in which an individual sleeps at random with no predictable schedule.

Breastfeeding Moms

Breastfeeding is a delicate period in motherhood, but it is not as vulnerable as the later trimesters of pregnancy. Espresso should be consumed with caution because more than two shots of espresso in 24 hours can result in significant caffeine traces in breast milk.

Even in small doses, caffeine can harm the baby’s health. Furthermore, both breastfeeding and espresso dehydrate the body. That is why, even if only one or two shots of espresso are consumed, the breastfeeding mother must drink enough water to counteract the diuretic effect of coffee.

Those With Arrhythmias

Finally, arrhythmias are one of coffee lovers’ most severe problems. The medical condition causes an irregular and unpredictable heartbeat. Because of the irregular heartbeat, any substance, food item, or activity that can cause a sudden increase in one’s pulse or blood pressure is hazardous. Espresso is one of those “things” that can raise your heart rate due to its caffeine content.

Can You Take Two Shots Of Espresso At Once?

You can have two espresso shots simultaneously, which is why large coffeehouse chains provide the double shot option. Large businesses like Starbucks would not offer the option if there were statistically significant health consequences to having two shots at once to avoid liability. 

Can Have Too Much Espresso Kill You?

The deadly dosage of caffeine is around 10,000 mg, and a shot of espresso has 63 milligrams of caffeine. If calculated correctly, a person would have to consume 159 photos of espresso one after the other for 10,000 milligrams of caffeine. The caffeine would build in the bloodstream and cause caffeine poisoning.

Your stomach can hold between 51 and 135 ounces of liquids. As a result, it’s impossible to fit 159 shots of espresso into your stomach at once – one shot of espresso equals one ounce.

Another reason you are unlikely to die of caffeine poisoning is just by drinking many espressos. Before you reach the deadly level of 10,000 milligrams, you will suffer nausea and vomiting, preventing you from drinking more espresso and your bloodstream from absorbing more caffeine.

How Many Shots Of Espresso Are You Able To Get At Starbucks?

At Starbucks, there is no limit to the number of shots a client can order. According to one Reddit user, the POS enables them to enter up to 99 espresso shots.

You can’t order and consume up to 99 shots of espresso at Starbucks or any other coffee establishment. That’s because your pounding headache and nausea would have led you to depart the premises by the time you drank your sixth shot (400 mg of caffeine).


The key here is that you have to drink your espresso responsibly! Although espresso contains a lot of caffeine, it is unlikely to kill you.

Most importantly, we can enjoy our favorite morning beverage without fear of getting into trouble due to an overdose.

Thanks for reading How Many Shots Of Espresso Is Too Many! Remember to drink responsibly and stick to no more than six shots daily.

Related post: Best Espresso Machine Under 300$